Cat-Assisted Therapy Singapore (CATS) is a volunteer group formed by cat lovers who believe that Cat Therapy provide physical, social, cognitive and emotional benefits to our beneficiaries. They provide Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) for the elderly and children. Studies have shown that animals are a good source of therapy as they bring laughter and create more interaction among patients.
AWWA is one of CATS' many beneficiaries. AWWA is a social service organisation, serving over 6000 of the disadvantaged across life stages. Services include early intervention for pre-schoolers, education and disability support for children with special needs, assistance to low income families, caregivers, and health and social assistance for vulnerable seniors.
In January, we had the honour to partner the two organisations and make our contribution to their causes. NUS CatCafe sent two volunteers to help out in a cat therapy session held by CATS for the children with special needs from AWWA. Their responsibility was to befriend the participants during the event, guide them and help them when they were not sure how to handle the cat.
The therapist looking majestic
Children having fun with the supurrstar
The children had a fantastic time playing with this adorable feline, and do did our volunteers. After this great experience, we decided to volunteer with CATS on a long term basis and there will be more volunteering opportunities for our members and feeders coming up!